Слепой в шаге от смерти / The Blind One Step from Death
Слепой в шаге от смерти / The Blind One Step from Death
Publish date: 2009
ISBN: 9545289058
Genre: Crime,
v. 12 from series Andrey Voronin Selected
Dimensions: 13x20
Nationality: Russian
Илюстративен материал: без илюстративен материал
Pages: 324
Not Available
Price: 11.99 BGN

Отставки министров, загадочные смерти высокопоставленных чиновников, заказные убийства и громкие судебные дела всколыхнули всю Россию. Читайте новый супербоевик Андрея Воронина о секретном агенте ФСБ Глебе Сиверове по кличке "Слепой". After a serious injury in Afghanistan Gleb was in coma for 10 years, when he woke up, he was in a different country. After the collapse of KGB some officers prefer to act for the sake of their own interests. They count on their connections with criminal authorities and dirty politicians. All these "great persons" need to use the service of secret war professionals. Gleb (called The Blind) is one of such professionals and he is appointed to work on these matters. Because of that he and his relatives are all the time in danger.

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