Saul Polanski's secret raports for 10th of november
The events of 1989 have been told and written many, but mostly from Bulgarian sources. In some publications, as well as in some of the public, there are suspicions that November 10 is a purely Bulgarian "revolution". The authors of these doubts seem to be inclined to assume that the burial of communism is the work of external brain trusts. In search of the truth, the author undertakes to demand and study declassified documents of US institutions related to Bulgaria, interviewing some of the last Bulgarian communist leaders, including Peter Mladenov, Dobri Djurov, Georgi Atanasov. Its purpose is to clarify the true involvement of the so-called. Great powers. Were they informed and prepared for the events? Did they have a finger in what happened? What role did they play? Reading foreign is another chance to bring to light another part of the truth. A very small proportion of Sol Polanski's reports, which also mention the events in Bulgaria before and after November 10, 1989, are also available in the virtual reading room of the US State Department. With them, the picture, drawn in the reports declassified at the request of Alexei Dimitrova in 2004 and 2007, becomes even more complete. The book is based on a study of more than 1000 pages of documents declassified since 2000.
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