End of the Balkans
"The End of the Balkans" is the fifth book by the journalist, specialist in international relations, Yorgos Delastik. Its first part deals with the events and the political situation in each individual country of the Balkans. Although briefly presented, they are necessary to better understand today's Balkan reality. The second part analyzes the aspirations of the American, German and Russian policies in the Balkans and imagines the change that occurred as a result of the action of external and internal factors. The third part of the book examines the problems, challenges and opportunities faced by Greece in the political validity of the Balkans in the 21st century, which often resembles a minefield. The book has the ambition to help the reader understand how abrupt and radical the changes taking place in the Balkans are and how many new problems they cause. Old alliances are moving, and new ones are being built in their place on a completely different foundation.
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